Kyudo Assembly, June 2015


Yasuo | Karme Choling | June 2015

First Shot, June 2014, Karme Choling

2014 Kyudo Assembly

Kanjuro Shibata XXI
Closing Reisha at the 2015 Kyudo Assembly
Shibata Kanjuro XXI, Onyumishi, offers Shihobarai (Blessing of the Four Directions) at Karme Choling. This was a very poignant, emotional offering. The last Shihobarai at Seiko Kyudojo had been offered by Shibata Kanjuro XX, Sendai, in August of 1992 at the opening ceremony of the then newly constructed Matoba.

2015 First Shot Group

Sensei at Karme Choling 2015

Sensei with friend, June 2015, Karme Choling


Away Shot for Shibata Sensei XX - Shambhala Mountain Center 10/15

Maybe not the best place to nap!

First time on the shai-jo - June 2015

2nd Coordination: Dozukuri - June 2015

Benoit retrieving wayward ya

Lucy giving tips

Amber's Shot From The Heart!
The remarkable story behind this photo - Contrary to the essence of kyudo practice, on the Saturday evening of the Kyudo Assembly, Kanjuro Shibata XXI decided to hold a ‘friendly’ contest. Six groups of six shooters took turns aiming to hit the mato (target) a 14” disk, 28 meters away. After two rounds each group's hits were tallied. The winning group faced off with one arrow each, whomever’s arrow landed closest to the bullseye would be the winner and Sensei would make a yumi just for them. With much laughter and a certain amount of cat-calling the contest lasted into dusk with the winning group facing a target lit by a flashlight. There they stood, five seasoned shooters and Amber, whose first time on the platform was only earlier that day. Five arrows released, none landing on the target. Amber, nervously shooting last, raised her bow and “Whack!” hits the target! Thus releasing a tremendous roar from the anxiously watching crowd. Sensei was delighted and remarked “Now that’s true beginner’s heart!”

First Shot, June 2015

First Shot, June 2015 at Karme Choling

Benoit from Suiko Kyudojo, Quebec June 2015
Kevin, Grace and Gary at Karme Choling

Lucy reviewing the basics at the Woman's Retreat, 2014

Practicing in the Main Shrine Room at Karme Choling, January 2016
Adrienne and Anna, January 2016
Archarya McKeever and Grace DiNapoli, January 2016

Mother and daughter, Amanda and Anna, January 2016

Toko Kyudojo's Annual Program, Garrison Institute 2015

Ray Chin, Garrison Institute 2015

Karen, Ray, Tom and Grace, Garrison 2015

Grace & Lucy working the Scholarship Auction at Toko's Annual Program at the Garrison Institute, April 2015

The matoba at Karme Choling before the recent renovation, 2012

Painting and putting on the new roof! August 2014

Ready for Shibata XXI's visit to Vermont. May 2015
Shambhala Mountain Center's Azuchi, 2014

High summer practice, 2015

Caroline DeMaio and Shastri Brauer taking First Shot

Under the big top. Suiko KyudoQuebec's annual program, 2015

Solo platform, Suiko program, Montreal 2015

Marcel, Jean-Pierre, Don. Montreal 2015

Zenko Kyudojo, Boulder, Colorado, 2014
Don Symanski fixing a yumi at Garrison, 2015
Indoor practice at Garrison Institute, 2015

High steppin' in Montreal. 2013

Mukpos First Shot group

Grace and Lucy

Ray, Amanda, Karen, Tom, Grace & Julio - the locals!

Day One: Symanski & Boorstein, Garrison, NY

2016 Kyudo & First Shot Program

2016 Kyudo Intensive at Karme Choling

Lucy Halverson

2016 Women's Kyudo Retreat
2016 Women's Kyudo Retreat

Kanjuro Shibata XXI - Opening reisha for the 2017 Kyudo Assembly at Seiko Kyudojo
2017 Kyudo Assembly with Kanjuro Shibata XXI

2017 Suiko Kyudo Assembly in Montreal

Toko Kyudojo's Mato Making Party at the Garrison Institute

2018 Summer Intensive with Don Symanski

Seiko Kyudojo Matoba
Lucy's solo practice at 2018 Women's Kyudo Retreat
Women's Kyudo Retreat 2018
Women's Kyudo Retreat 2018
2018 Women's Kyudo Retreat

Warrior Assembly 2018
Sweet Marie and Don 2018

Before the demo. Garrison Institute 2018


Women's Kyudo Retreat

2019 Kyudo Assembly with Kanjuro Shibata XXI
2019 Kyudo Assembly with Kanjuro Shibata XXI

First Shot 2024